if the weekly Sabbath included the function of pointing forward to consummate rest, and that rest has not yet come, then that weekly Sabbath should continue.There Remains a Sabbath Rest, 32
Superficially, it may appear that Israel was 'not acquainted with any sabbatical observance at that time' since some of them still went out to gather on the seventh day (Exod. 16:27). But if so, the LORD's complaint, 'How long will you refuse to keep my commands and instruction?' (Exod. 16:28) is misplaced; it implies knowledge of... not least concerning the Sabbath.From the Finger of God, 65-66
a creation ordinance is defined as a general pattern established in Genesis 1-2 that becomes normative, but not uniformly observed, with any exceptions to the pattern contributing to the pattern's fulfillment; moreover, the pattern must be confirmed, not negated or abrogated, by later biblical revelation.There Remains a Sabbath Rest, 3